Exhibition Images

Cabinet Oak Project
Alicia Philley Alicia Philley

Cabinet Oak Project

Swimming the Potomac by way of Ranch Road 1,

An artist talk by Alicia Philley about the work she created for the Cabinet Oak Project.

A legacy as far-reaching as that of LBJ does not fit into a simple summary or a single artwork. I chose to illuminate flash points that evoke something larger than the sum of their parts. The title is a map to guide you. It refers to concrete places that are referenced with abstract lines and colorful marks. It also offers a metaphor for a few of the ways the President and First Lady used their position, passion, and deep connection to this ranch, to build a legacy of conservation.

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The Seeds We Plant
Alicia Philley Alicia Philley

The Seeds We Plant

a site-specific installation of 70 original artworks nestled into the landscape along the Woodland Trail at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

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